These were hand-me-downs from my grandma. I remember them being on her tree when I was a child.

These are from my/our travels:
Yosemite 2006
Kaua'i 2008

Maui 2006

Yellowstone 1996
I also love to collect chipboard houses and bottle brush trees. Todd says I have enough at this point because they now fill the mantle. But let's face it, a girl can never have too many! This year I created some "snow" and back lit the village with small, white lights. Some of the houses have been gifts from Todd, and the trees were Christmas gifts from my parents. I created the little pink and blue gift boxes this year while on bedrest. I thought the trees needed some presents!

More of Grandma's hand-me-downs. These three little statues are some of my favorites.

Here are our stockings. Todd's is from his childhood. This is probably his favorite Christmas decoration hands down.

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