We were going to visit Bob's World (http://www.lightsofthevalley.com/Properties/Detail.asp?) tonight with Maddie and her dad. Unfortunately our fun family outing was cut short when we discovered it did not debut until tomorrow night. UGH! What a disappointment! For those of you who are not familiar with Bob's World here is a photo:

After Maddie went to her dad's Todd and I decided to meander around downtown for a little bit. We had loaded Tilly in the car so she could join us at Bob's World. Neither one of us thought it would be fair to get her excited and then just take her home. So a little stroll down Main Street seemed to be just the thing. It is always fun to people watch and window shop. To our pleasant surprise there were a few shops open. Although, we did avoid the art gallery. Our crazy canine had no business visiting a place with so many breakables! But the pet store, Murphy's Paw was open for an event. Tilly had fun grabbing at all the toys and making new friends. As always, I had to stop and drool over all the pretties in the American Harvest window (http://www.americanharvestinc.com/site/). Oh how I loooooove that store. The window was filled with tinsel trees, mercury glass ornaments, and Cody Foster chipboard houses. Every shabby chic admirer's dream come true! This was one of the houses they had displayed in the window:
We have just about finished decorating the house. I have a few odds and ends to put up or away. Todd helped me get some of the projects completed that I could not do on my own (all of the hard to reach places that require the use of a stool or ladder). Tomorrow I will be taking photos to post this week. I can't wait to share!

Everything is taking longer than I would like to get completed these days. I have been having a lot more Braxton Hicks contractions lately. Therefore I am trying to take it easy. They feel so different with this pregnancy. I carried Maddie a lot higher, while Lucas is very low. For the longest time I just thought it was him moving in an uncomfortable position. But the further along I get the worse they become. Today it seemed like every time I did something I had a B.R. contraction. Now every time I have one I try to sit down immediately. He definitely needs to incubate longer!!! I am not ready for this bun to come out of the oven :)!
Check back in a day or two and I should have the deco photos posted. Until then, take care all!
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