I cannot believe it has been a year since we got married! July marked our one year anniversary. Time does fly by when you are having fun (and when you have one child, one on the way, two dogs, jobs....) Everyone says the first year is the hardest. We were fortunate not to have experienced that. Todd and I get along so well, we really are best friends. Do we have squabbles and tiffs? Of course! Who doesn't! But we just mesh together so well, words cannot describe it. Aside from our friendship, I think one of our key ingredients for a successful first year was teamwork. If something needs to be done, he just does it. He adapted to the role of Bonus Dad as if he had been with Maddie and me from day one. Driving her to school, chaperoning field trips, fixing her boo boos, guiding her through life, and most importantly giving her love and support. And on top of that he vacuums and does dishes! And I recognize how hard he works to provide for his family. Watching my husband's success at his job make me so proud of him!
During this I am reflecting on how our lives have changed during our first year of marriage:
We moved
Maddie started school
I started a new job
We got a dog
We got pregnant
We got another dog
I am so fortunate to have found the world's most amazing partner in life. I hope our future years are as kind and rewarding to us as our first year has been!
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