Our home life is so busy with Maddie, the dogs, and a baby on the way. The majority of the raucous comes from the dogs of course. If you have never seen a husky play you may be in for a shock. They play incredibly rough. They will tear around our backyard, chasing one another. The girls then take turns pinning each other down and gnawing on the each other's heads. They attempt this in the house quite often, only to be shooed out to the backyard. We call them our crackheads. They are so hyper I swear they are on crack! But we love them just the same. I cannot imagine our lives without our dogs. And Maddie's life is so much richer with them. She is just infatuated with "the girls". Todd spent yesterday re-screening our screen door and then reinforcing it with metal grates. We bought a new door in June only to have it demolished by August. Such is life with two dogs! So we brought out the big guns: dog-proof, heavy duty screen, and the two metal grates (one for each side). So far this investment has proven to be worth his while.
I guess the reason I am singing our dogs' praises is because I want to encourage anyone who wants to get a dog to adopt. Trust me, if you want a pure bread they are out there. Both of ours are purebred Siberian Huskies that would have cost us a fortune. Tilly came from the SPCA and Mischa from a Husky rescue. There are a lot of breed specific rescue groups out there. People also question the dog's temperament when they adopt. "How will I know what the dog is like?" The SPCA and a lot of rescue groups temperament test their dogs so they can best match them with their forever home. The rescue groups want to ensure a successful adoption. They want to dog to have a successful home, not bounce around from home to home. We were close to spending $1,200 on purchasing a pure bread when I realized there were so many dogs in shelters in need of a good home. Please give adoption a chance, there are so many wonderful companions out there!
On another note...
I did finish my Halloween banner. One project completed before school! Here is the finished project. Pardon the carpet, I didn't feel like hanging it for the photos.

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