Friday was also my first day of disability. Between the back pain and the heart palpitations the doc pulled me out at 22 weeks. Although I do feel like a bit of a wimp, it is the best solution not only for Lucas and me, but our family as well. That back pain was making me quite cranky and severely limiting my ability to do much of anything after work. I guess I won't have much of an excuse to not get somewhat caught up on my scrapbooking!

My pretty curtain. I have had this fabric sitting around for over a year, just waiting for the perfect project. Lo and behold, that project finally came.

Projects waiting to be completed

We ordered Lucas's crib. I am super-excited!!! Another big step in preparing for our new little bundle of joy. I found a solid pine crib that came from a sustainable forest. We are trying to go a little more green. Actually, I am trying to go a little more green. Todd just goes along with the program unless it costs him too much green. I found a great website that specializes in green products and furniture, daxstores.com. Our crib looks a little different, we ordered it in white and of course we will have different bedding. But here it is, the Emily Convertible Crib: I owe a tremendously huge THANK YOU to my wonderful in-laws who purchased the crib for us. We are so lucky to be blessed with so many thoughtful and generous family members and friends. I wish everyone could be as lucky as we are. Our family's generosity has been overwhelming and touching. We love them so much. Not because of what they give us, but because of their love, support, and unity. I also have to take this moment to brag. I so often hear people moan about their in-laws. I am blessed to have in-laws I adore and enjoy spending time with! They openly welcomed Maddie and me into their family from day one. I get not one, but two sets of parents that I cherish!